Pop Culture has always been influential in my artistic endeavors, from my earliest memories of drawing subjects from Sunday morning comics, movie or TV characters, and scary (or sexy) Halloween figures. My subject matter largely consists of images that linger in my memories from movies, music videos, or things I’ve seen in real life. I have long been intrigued with tattoo art, car culture, skateboarding and other images that stand out as culturally influential, especially those from my favorite era, the 1980s. During that time I became obsessed with MTV, and began painting scenes from my favorite music videos. At age 13 My first acrylic painting was of Grace Jones. She was such a powerful figure that her image stayed with me for so long I knew I had to paint her! (And, I will most likely paint her again.) I especially loved the early Duran Duran videos and the fun summer scenes of the Go Gos around LA in convertibles or fountains, some of which are stored in my memory banks for upcoming works. I have ideas from 40 years ago that I still recall and will likely incorporate into new paintings. Through composition and the figures I chose, I hope to trigger flashbacks of those vintage scenes that viewers will recognize and enjoy as fond memories. You will have to stay tuned and see if you can catch the subtle references in my upcoming work!